Have you ever wondered how important your diagnostic lab results are to your Diabetes control? What if by running the right tests, your physician could determine not only where your diabetes stands right now, but also whether it is progressing or reversing?
Stuart Seale, MD, Medical Director at Lifestyle Center of America and author of the book The 30-Day Diabetes Miracle, has outlined three important tests your doctor needs to do for you and why each test is crucial: Here’s the tests you should be sure your Doctor runs for you.
Lipid Profile
If you have Diabetes and do not get a yearly lipid profile check up, be SURE to ask your doctor about it. This test measures the levels of Total cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides.
Test results will indicate if you’re at risk for artery blockage. The most common artery blockage in the US (and the leading cause of death) leads to heart attacks. Another risk is stroke. Sixty five percent of those with diabetes will die of a heart attack or stroke.
Ideal results are:
a. Total Cholesterol - less than 150 mg%
b. LDL Cholesterol - less than 70 mg%
c. Total Cholesterol : HDL Cholesterol Ratio - 3:1 or less
1/3 of heart attacks happen when one’s cholesterol is between 150 - 180 mg%. So if your numbers are in that range (especially if above it), take immediate steps to lower them.
Fasting Serum Insulin & Blood Sugar Levels
You may have already had one of the tests done. However, the combination of the two is used to calculate Insulin Resistance, and that is key to stopping the progression of Diabetes.Insulin resistance increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks, can damage the pancreas, eyes and nerve endings, and is a precursor to type 2 diabetes. This test is important in knowing whether your body is getting more resistant to insulin or not. At the very least, you must know what is Insulin Resistance and the ways to reverse it. Because most physicians do not run the tests simultaneously, they may not know how to calculate the results. Ask your doctor about it, be vocal.
25-hydroxy Vitamin D levelMost adults have suboptimal levels of Vitamin D (anything less than 40 ng/ml of 25-hydroxyl Vitamin D). Suboptimal levels will put you at risk of developing type 1 and type 2 diabetes; depression; psoriasis; and cancers of the skin, colon, breast, prostate, ovaries, and lymph glands. Other manifestations of vitamin D deficiency include osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and multiple sclerosis. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to lack of energy which is prevalent in people with Diabetes.
Be sure to ask your doctor for the 25-hydroxy, not the 1,25-hydroxyl Vitamin D test, as the second test is not completely accurate. The most effective way to treat Vitamin D deficiency is with a supplement such as cholecalciferol.
Its up to you
The three powerful tests outlined above can help you and your doctor preemptively stop the progression of your diabetes. That being said, the results can outline areas of improvement, but it is up to you to make changes that will stop diabetes in its tracks and start reversing its progress. Get started, right now.
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