A wise doctor or a nice nurse use it only as a swab
Only the nervous and feeble minded prepare their stony tab
Even a Martini, if any, like not I, as I am full of spirits
Let it be in the bowl and bowel of the dispirited.

Starts only as a sip and singing on a Saturday night
Slowly slipping, sinking into the grip of Saturn’s sight
Salty sayings and peppery peeps ending in drunken brawls
Driving drunken is like dating to join the devil’s haul.

Neither the numbed neurons of the inebriate
Nor starved stomach know what he ate
As it is not a common scene, or a mere matter of anemia
Casual drinkers landing in casualty with hypoglycemia.

Don’t belittle the blinding eye of alcoholic ambylopia
Want to be breathless with bewildering sigh of cardiac myopathia?
Restless days with peripheral neuritis
Sleepless nights with perennial pruritis.

Even a Casanova may not like to adorn with gynacomasitia
The strongest swaying with cerebral atoxia
Palmar, Erythema and Cutaneous Purpura are not the only cooing signs
Spider naevi leaving cutaneous cartography of the devil’s designs.

Atropic gastritis or anaemia so pernicious
May be corrected with diet if nutritious
Well he may not become, once well into the Wernickes encephalopathy
Wisdom is not the word of Confucius, with Karsakoff’s psychopathy.

Veins over the abdomen unveil as ‘caput medussae’ , in serpentine matrices
Even as its’ counterpart in its core, ever threatening to burst esophageal varices
If you don’t put a full stop, comma, or at least an apostrophe,
The drama may end as a traumatic catastrophe.

The ultras sound a faint, fatty liver
Hemograms suggest an impending hemorrhagic shiver
Even as the CATscan cry on the closed hoses of cirrhosis
Hi tardy! Jeopardy heralds the day with jaundice so yellowish.

Even as it elevates healthy HDL, so also the lethal LDL
Odd is the evolution, yelling that the solution is not so ideal
The euphoric high of the inebriate ephemeric and unreal
Utopian he thinks, utterly failing to visualize the real.

Don’t you know, no sensible doctor ever kills or prolongs the disease
As longer he lives, the more he collects his fees
You take wine, wine takes wine and wine takes you
So Romans, Romeos and friends, it is time for adieu!!

- Dr.R.Ravindranath


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