An apple a day keeps the doctor away
A garlic a day keeps everybody away
“A peg or two a day keeps heart disease at bay”
Say even some Medics, why not I celebrate everyday?

They say, success in life comes to a workaholic
Does it matter if it spells a little differently, murmurs an alcoholic
Don’t they know, it elevates even a melancholic
Why the hue and cry, which is only symbolic.

It kindles the desire, but takes away the performance
With the boom of Viagra, should one worry about differvescence?
Seldom one ponders over sayings of Shakespeare
When settling their scores with spirits as it shakes the peer.

Scotland yard is the best yard by yard says even mum
When Scot’s product is taken only by measures, why this conundrum
You allow an Analgin, but if I take it’s analogy (a rose is a rose by any name) gin
Or rum or Whisky, why I am whisked away !

Medic may say excess of it produces hemorrhages,
Does he say, even little indulgence leads to cirrhosis
Even though it may cause a little pyrosis
Can you deny yourself and ration your gyrations.

Taking even a cup of wine
Makes me feel so fine
Let not the pleasure be only mine
Get it and take a measure to make it thine.

When it is a Panacea, taking away your inhibitions
Why they police with policies of punitive prohibitions
May not if they only experience its’ qualitative exhibition
As it is my time to vend again, herewith I stop my rendition.

- Dr.R.Ravindranath


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