Did you know that there are many natural foods and supplements that you can take that will help lower your blood sugar level naturally? Diabetic patients are usually made aware of the countless pharmaceutical products that are available…but what if you want to naturally lower your blood sugar level?
First, let me just make one thing clear.
I am not saying that the use of pharmaceutical products to control diabetes is bad. My mother herself is taking Metformin, also known as Glucophage, and Glipizide, also known as Glucotrol, to regulate her blood glucose levels.
Right now taking these drugs is a must for her, but she is someone who hates taking any form of medication, as I am. If you knew me personally you would know that I’m the kind of person who would always look to avoid pharmaceutical medication whenever possible. I’m a big proponent of a more natural approach to treating diabetes and, as a matter of fact, any disease or medical condition.
What I have been finding more and more, to my eternal joy, is that there are foods and supplements that will naturally lower blood sugar levels. By incorporating these foods and supplements into your already diabetes friendly diet you are increasing your chances of a longer healthier life.
Natural Food And Supplements That Lower Blood Sugar LevelsCinnamon
Researchers have found that cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels naturally if taken daily. If you absolutely love cinnamon you can sprinkle the recommended six grams of cinnamon on your food throughout the day to achieve the desired effect. If you are not that big a fan of cinnamon there is another alternative…cinnamon capsules. This gives you the recommended cinnamon dose all in one tidy capsule.
To help your body’s cells respond properly to insulin you can use Chromium. There are studies that are finding that people with diabetes have lower Chromium levels that people without the disease. So how do you add Chromium to your diet? Well it is a trace mineral so the best bet it to take a Chromium Picolinate dietary supplement.
The mineral Zinc plays a huge role in your body’s production and storage of insulin. It is now being brought to light that people with diabetes have Zinc deficiency. You can go about increasing the Zinc in your diet by either taking a supplement or more better, by eating foods that are high in Zinc. This would include your lamb, oysters, pecans, almonds, chicken and sardines.
Salacia oblonga
Something interesting I read in a chance reading through a Diabetes Journal. Salacia oblonga is an herb that’s been used for centuries which is native to regions of India and Sri Lanka. It binds to intestinal enzymes that break down carbohydrates in the body. Ohio State University researchers saw insulin levels drop 23 percent and blood sugar levels drop 29 percent in patients who took a 1,000-mg dose of the herb. Absolutely Amazing!
Obviously, these are just a fraction of the abundance of natural foods and supplements that will lower your blood sugar level naturally, without any side effects. One thing that is essential is that you keep your doctor or health care provider up to date on any supplements that you are or will be utilizing as a natural way to lower your blood sugar. Always consult your doctor before taking anything. They will be able to help you safely figure out what does and does not work for you.
Although I must say that this reaffirms my belief in the saying,
"When in doubt, Go Natural!".
-end of story-
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