What a nice setting on 2010 s valentine day, to talk on sulfonyl ureas past ,present & future for away from the residence ,but on the tower of the hotel!
Both the speakers made us to love them,at least their scientific acumen.
Fascination for basic sciences made many a basically silent doctor to talk .
SUs do not fertilise the pancreas to synthesise insulin,they are just cytotropic causing exocytosis of the stored insulin .
A head to head comparison of all SUs.,The transatlantic divide of the Europeans flirting with gliclazide while glimipride being the valentine of the rest of the world is amusing.
Glibenclamide squeezes the pancreas & the heart too leading to B cell apoptosis.
Much of glucose control can be a double edged sword killing the patient with prolonged hypo while the physician suffers with hypertension at least evanescently.

4_cartoon_11.gifGlimipride has multitude of benefits
It stimulates the endogenous mechanism of the heart by its effect on K ATP channels, protecting against lethal ischemic insult..Nitric Oxide production, atheroprotective effects,lesser effect on BP ,potent antithrombotic property, and no cardio arrhythmic effect makes it a preferred molecule. Extra pancreatic action takes care of insulin resistance too.
So no more glib(enclamide) talk!
Glibenclamides become Dy-o-nil
Glipizide, Gliclazide kept aside
Heartening Glimipride marches on with pride!

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