Query :
Dear Doctor,
This question is related to my friend's wife. She is a 39 years old married women and residing in Norway. She is musician and a hard worker. Two weeks back she had Headache mostly in nights and sometimes also got thrombing pain in the tips of the center finger. She met her norwegian doctor they, advised her to take Head X-ray. Doctors didnot tell what they suspect, and what is the problem. Kindly let us know what could be the problem and its probable solutions. My sincere regards & thanks in anticipation !
- Michael, Bangalore-India

Answer :

I appreciate your sympathy for the suffering musician (away in Norway). Does she only sing or play instruments too , as she complains about pain in the fingers too, even as it is paining in the head ?

A distinct possibility may be - sound problem - due to the noise level in the playing field of music, as the decibels decide the intensity of her throbbing head as well as throbbing heart of music lovers. Rarely a hidden neurological ailment may spoil the sport. An X-ray of the head may help to unfathom the sea of troubles by making a headway before all other sophisticated scans may span into the armamentorium of the diagnostic technos.

yours truly,


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