The sheer range of diseases that affect humans is overwhelming, but it’s as infinitely interesting as it is exhausting. Whether they’re physical, mental, or both, these weird diseases are some of the most intriguing:

Elephantiasis (often misspelled or mispronounced as “elephantitis”) is characterized by an extreme swelling of the limbs or regions of the head and neck. This effect is caused by an excess fluid build-up in the tissues. The condition is caused by several parasites that affect the lymphatic system, all of which are transmitted by mosquitoes.
People with Pica exhibit an irrational desire to eat non-food items. This behavior can occur in pregnant women (where it is often associated with certain mineral deficiencies), but is especially prevalent in young children. Patients may eat anything, from paint and sand to animal feces.
Hypertrichosis, sometimes called “Human Werewolf Syndrome”, is characterized by excessive hair growth. It is generally only a cosmetic problem, and though it is exceptionally rare, patients can live relatively normal lives.
Capgras Delusion
The Capgras delusion (or Capgras syndrome) is a rare disorder in which a person holds a delusion that an acquaintance (typically someone close) has been replaced with an imposter. This delusion can be so strong that they may actually attack the loved one.
capgras delusion
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
Individuals with this strange syndrome will incorrectly perceive the sizes of things: from objects, to animals, to parts of their own body. Their hands may appear enormous to them, while a horse will appear to be the size of a cat.
alice in wonderland syndrom

Exploding Head Syndrome
Typically associated with extreme fatigue or stress, individuals with Exploding Head Syndrome will hear an enormously loud noise (like an explosion or gun shot) that seems to originate from inside of their own head. The “explosion” will often occur a few hours into sleep.
exploding head syndrome
“Latah” is both the name of the condition and a name for people afflicted with this condition. Latahs respond to being surprised by falling into a trance state in which they mimic the speech and actions of those around them and obey all commands given to them without thought. During these episodes, they are completely unaware of their actions.
Cotard’s Syndrome
Cotard’s Syndrome is a delusion most often present in depressed or suicidal individuals in which they believe that they are dead, do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood and/or internal organs.
cotards syndrome
Progeria is a fatal genetic disorder that is characterized by the appearance of rapid aging in children. They usually appear normal at birth, but soon show signs of rapid aging. Sadly, children suffering from Progeria usually die of heart disease early in adolescence.
Moebius Syndrome
Moebius Syndrome is a neurological disorder in which patients cannot use their facial muscles. They cannot blink, smile, frown, or more their eyes from side to side. Even drinking, eating, and breathing can be problematic.
moebius syndorme
A tragic problem with some of these afflictions is that their rarity and uniqueness means that people are less aware of them and they are less likely to receive medical research. Research foundations exist for many these diseases, if you feel inclined to donate – and we hope you do.

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X-radiation (composed of X-rays) is a form of electromagnetic radiation. They are shorter in wavelength than UV rays. In many languages, X-radiation is called Röntgen radiation, after Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, who is generally credited as their discoverer, and who had named them X-rays to signify an unknown type of radiation.

This is an x-ray of a severed toe

A broken skull image.

Image of a broken spine

Severed hand x-ray

Pin at the rectum

Is that a glass? How did it get there?

A dentist found the source of the toothache Patrick Lawler was complaining about on the roof of his mouth: a four-inch (10-centimeter) nail the construction worker had unknowingly embedded in his skull six days earlier.

Doctors in Pakistan removed a whole lightbulb from a prisoner’s anus June 28. The man said he awoke with he problem, but doctors weren’t sure.

This X-ray shows a boy who swallowed magnetic pieces of a block one at a time. When they hit his stomach, they reconnected.

Elsie, a 6-month-old Saint Bernard, swallowed a 13-inch serrated knife in September 2005. After an operation, the pup had an 8-inch scar.

A film shows PVC plumbing pipes inserted in the bones of a deceased person as part of an alleged body parts ring.

On 2004, dutch actress Georgina Verbaan confounded critics who doubted the authenticity of her mams by publishing impressive x-ray profiles of the suspect assets on her website. The results are conclusive proof that the 25-year-old did not surgically enhance her jubs in advance of a €200,000 photo shoot for the December issue of Dutch Playboy.

An alien face seems to appear in the X-ray of a duck, which died in May from injuries it had when found.

A nail gun shot six nails into construction worker Isidro Mejia’s head during an April 2004 accident. He not only survived but was expected at the time to recover fully.

A An 6-inch pair of surgical scissors appears in the abdomen of Australian Pat Skinner in April 2004 — 18 months after her initial operation.

X-rays from Central Prison in Raleigh, N.C., show items such as bed springs and batteries that prisoners swallowed to gain trips to outside hospitals.

Python Gulps Down Queen-Size Electric Blanket. It took surgery to save a 12-foot Burmese python after it swallowed an entire queen-size electric blanket – with the electrical cord and control box.
Veterinarians Karsten Fostvedt, above, and Barry Rathfon performed the two-hour operation.

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The adage 'Age is an issue of mind over matter, if you don't mind , it doesn't matter' - summarizes all thoughts over aging gracefully and anti-aging remedies because whatever you do, you are the same inside.

Forty & Fabulous requires the look and feel of years younger. Strategies to greatly extend lifespan engineering negligible senescence needs more common sense than semantics of anti-aging research and medicine.

click on image to see it full-size

Alzheimer's, Cancers, Stroke, Heart Attacks etc, all are among the familiar and dreaded results of aging. Among the alleged anti-aging therapies to optimize natural longevity, many are fraudulent and frivolous ventures. Even though calorie restriction, exercise, adding appropriate food supplements can regenerate tissues, repair mitochondria and a few nano-medicines by manipulating genes can take you into the 70's, 80's and 90's by providing vibrant and productive life - mere cosmetic hucksters and pseudo-panaceas can't make you Methuselah (the Biblical figure) who lived 969 years.

Aging is inevitable, isn't it ?
Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, 
but beautiful old people are works of art.

Raquel Welch is 70 years old.
Let’s see how she was changing with years.
Raquel Welch

Raquel Welch
1966Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch

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